How to report a bug

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Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:43 pm
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How to report a bug

Post by MELKOR »

  1. For incorrect or undesired behavior.
    1. Enable Debug log level in miscellaneous settings of the SkyWare product.
    2. Reproduce the behavior.
    3. Create a post with detail on the problem and what you did to reproduce the behavior.
    4. Attach the log file. Go to the folder "%APPDATA%\SkyWare", open the correct product-specific folder, and select the .log file.
    5. For GroundAssist, attach the most recent telemetry .csv files from the same folder as above.
  2. For crashes where you suspect the SkyWare product was responsible (e.g. you were actively using the product when the crash occurred)
    1. Start the simulator and the scenario.
    2. Reproduce the crash.
    3. Create a post with detail regarding what steps you performed to reproduce the crash.
    4. If additional information is required, we will supply you with instructions on how to generate a dump file.
Owner/Operator of SkyWare and an aviation nut
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